Monday 26 May 2014

Skylar retells "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"

Please leave a comment and give Skylar some feedback about his oral speaking. What did he do well? What could he improve?

Thursday 22 May 2014

Pentagons show their Place Value knowledge

Today we used maths equipment on pieces of paper. We were showing how many ones, tens and hundreds are in a number. Learned about groups. It is a little bit like times tables. Ray, Skylar, Shreyas, Adam, Zaina, Max and Doreen.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Triangles - Place Value

How many different ways could we make eighty three???

Sunday 4 May 2014

Graphing our Holidays

We have been gathering data on what R11 did in their holidays.

We found out that...

The most popular thing to do was to go to the circus- Shavaun

The least popular place to go to was the museum - Prarthna

The second most popular place to visit was the pools - Zaina

According to my graph, movies is the second most popular place to be. - Adam